
Jamie Pyper

Yurt Business Category:

Coaching Skills for Beginners

Learning the principles to effective coaching – with Conscious Business People

Coaching others builds their confidence, reduces their dependency on you and helps them solve more of their problems themselves. The guiding principle is that you can’t do their learning for them. However being effective as a coach relies on following a few golden rules.

This 3 hour experiential workshop will give you not only the fundamental principles of coaching, why and when to coach and lots of opportunity to practice your technique.

The skills you will learn are essential in leadership and management roles but may serve you equally in your professional and personal life.

We’re psychotherapists, coaches and business culture change specialists so coaching is ingrained in everything we do.

Course contents:

  • Personal Development – confidence building and stretching comfort zones
  • Foundation interpersonal and motivational communications skills
  • Uses simple models and concepts from modern relational Psychology
  • Highly Experiential – learning by doing
  • Working with each other
  • Space for reflective practice
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