
Jamie Pyper

Yurt Business Category:

Giving Feedback so you get Heard

Bypassing conflict while getting your message across – With Conscious Business People

Without effective feedback it’s hard for things to change. Yet we resist, anxious of how our message will be received, fearful of possible rifts in relationships or defensiveness and the frustration of not being heard. The secret to giving effective feedback is how we do it.

This 3 hour experiential workshop will teach you a robust technique for giving feedback so you are heard with minimal risk of conflict. You’ll get plenty of opportunity to practice in a safe environment and with plenty of feedback.

The skills you will learn are essential in leadership and management roles but may serve you equally in your professional and personal life.

Bring yourself and maybe a couple of scenarios where you have been struggling to give feedback effectively and we’ll provide the rest. We’re psychotherapists and business culture change specialists so feedback is ingrained in everything we do.

Course contents:

  • Personal Development – confidence building and stretching comfort zones
  • Foundation interpersonal communications skills
  • Uses simple models and concepts from modern relational Psychology
  • Highly Experiential – learning by doing
  • Working with each other
  • Space for reflective practice
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