Public Speaking and Presenting – Learning from StandUp Comedy

The Clocktower Sanctuary 41-43, Wenlock House, North St, Brighton, Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom.

Just about everyone needs to be able to speak in public or make a professional presentation – whether it’s a...


Fresh Thoughts on Painting

Coming Soon

Would you like to be more adventurous in your painting? Would you like to express yourself more freely and vividly?...

Positive Psychology in Practice

Coming Soon

What is it about the letter P?  People, potential, performance … so much more positive and powerful than … problems....

Your Authentic Story

Kemptown Kemptown, Brighton, United Kingdom

Story Telling - Unearthing the Gold within your Authentic Story Most leaders, at some point lose sight of the gifts...

Breathe Better, Stress Less


In the Breathe Better, Stress Less masterclass, we learn how the body was designed to breathe and how our modern...


Building Mental Resilience though Positivity


Resilient people find potential in almost any challenge. They nurture positivity and see opportunity where others see problems. Resilient people use past experiences to prepare for change and build the strength and the mindset to remain future- and solution-focused in ambiguous and challenging situations. They are also acutely self-aware and take care to build the confidence required to face uncertainty.
